Kaylie’s Introduction

This journey of mine began when my mum first got cancer, I was just a teenager. I never had to experience a loved one be sick, and at that age I still didn’t comprehend or understand what was happening to my mum. I remember the first time, and only time I walked into her hospital room (with her first surgery), having to witness my mum with cords going in and out of her body, and the discomfort and distress in her eyes. I had never seen my mum in a sick state, she had always worked hard at showing my sister and I a strong demeanor. After years of being alongside my mother, I have witnessed a lot of change and her passion for Rose and Soul begin. Through immense suffering, we as a family grew and so did our passion to help others.

So, my story begins, with the utmost admiration and respect for the resilience and strength that my mum has had to conjure to endure life and its tests. As for everyone else enduring the trials and tribulations life has to offer. I have a pushing drive to connect with others and help to impact their lives in a healthy way, to help guide others maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Alongside the passion my mother’s resilience created and my own life’s challenges, I studied to become a nutrition consultant, food coach, and now soon to be a life coach and counselling coach.

I would like to use all that I have learnt from my experiences to make an impact while I can.

With love, Kaylie x

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